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Chapter 3

Young Bear lay on the cold ground. He had slept little during the night. The ground was hard and damp as well as being cold. Even the blanket he and Old Beaver Tail used to cover themselves was damp. Last night they had raked together a pile of leaves to sleep on and used the blanket as cover. He and his grandfather had snuggled close together in an attempt to stay warm. Now the birds were awakening and it would soon be daylight but Young Bear could not open his eyes. He lay there in his damp bed, somewhere in that fantasy world, between being fully asleep and being fully awake. Taking refuge in this make believe world he went back to a time when he was in his own bed back at their home in the mountains. He imagined he could hear his mother at the fireplace cooking breakfast and soon his father would call him to come and eat. He could even smell the corn cakes cooking on the hot hearth and the squirrel and corn stew bubbling in the large iron pot. then his grandfather, Old Beaver Tail stirred and slipped from under the cover. Instantly Young Bear was fully awake and realized it was only a dream and that he would never again see his father and his mother. The tears flooded his eyes, spilled out and ran down his face. He turned his face into the blanket to hide the tears from his grandfather. When he had gained control he sat up in the damp blanket. As he found dry leaves he sat them aside to help build a fire as Old Beaver Tail had taught him. He then stuck three sticks into the ground. From these sticks he would hang the damp blanket to shelter them from the cold early morning wind while they prepared the meager breakfast of corn meal and wormy flour. The fat bacon had long since disappeared. The heat from the small fire would help dry the damp blanket. Then, if there was no snow or rain today they would in a dry blanket tonight. They might even find a log or a small bluff or even a depression in the ground to shelter them from the wind. Since he had slept very little last night Young Bear was very tired. He knew it would be difficult to keep up today. He decided he must be strong, he must not let Old Beaver Tail know he was tired. His grandfather was not looking well. His was drawn and he looked very tired. Young Bear knew he would have to help the old man in every way he could today. Everyone in the camp was now awake. The smoke from the many fires colored the air. In some directions it was difficult to see. As Young Bear prepared to build a fire he heard a noise. When he looked up through the smoke his hair stood on end. He could feel goose bumps cover his body. Through the thick smoke he saw the shape of his mother. She smiled at him and then she spoke. "My son, You must be strong. I will be with you and you will live to tell the story." Then, as if she had never been there, she disappeared. Young Bear jumped to his feet. He ran to where she had been but there was there. He looked in all directions but no one did he see. He went back to where he had been building the fire. As he sat down Old Beaver Tail walked up with their daily rations. Young Bear was deep in thought. He seemed to be in a daze. His grandfather smiled at him and then said good morning to him. Young Bear did not hear him. It was still as he were in a trance. He looked at his grandfather and started to speak, to tell him of what he had seen. Then, suddenly, it came to his mind that he should tell no one. It would be his secret. Not until after they had eaten breakfast did he speak. As they prepared to continue the journey they wrapped the now thin dry blanket about their shoulders. Young Bear was no longer sleepy. As they started to walk Old Beaver Tail stumbled. Young bear reached out to help him and spoke for the first time. He said, "Lean on me grandfather, I am strong enough for both of us."

Chapter 4